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Beats, Pineapple, Tangerine, Pomegranate, Mangos, Carrots
Beet juice is made from raw beets. Whole beets are cold pressed. No matter how beet juice is consumed, it packs a host of health benefits even in small servings and can be an extremely effective part of a heart-healthy diet. Additionally, beet juice can be an optimal form of consumption if you don’t like to eat beets in their whole form or don’t have access to fresh beets where you live.
The Beet Juice Benefits and How It Lowers Blood Pressure (and Extends Your LifeSpan!)
Beet juice may boost stamina to help you exercise longer, improve blood flow, and help lower blood pressure, some research shows. Why? Beets are rich in natural chemicals called nitrates. Through a chain reaction, your body changes nitrates into nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.
Beet Juice Nutrition
One cup of raw beets has 58 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates. A cup of beet juice is usually around 100 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates, because of the way it is processed.
Beets are good sources of folate, potassium, vitamin C, fiber, and
antioxidants, as well as nitrates.
Beets are known to have a high nutritional value, offer liver support, and be good for weight loss. And that’s just the start.
The beet is a bulbous, sweet root vegetable that most people either love or hate. It’s not new on the block, but it’s risen to superfood status over the last decade or so. Research shows drinking beet juice, also known as beetroot juice, may benefit your health. Here’s how.
Top 11 Reason Why Beet juice!
1. Helps lower blood pressure
Beet juice may help lower your blood pressure. Researchers found that people who drank 250 milliliters (or about 8.4 ounces) of beet juice daily lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure .
Nitrates compounds in beet juice that convert into nitric oxide in the blood and help widen and relax blood vessels, are thought to be the cause.
2. Improves exercise stamina
According to a 2012 study, drinking beet juice increases plasma nitrate levels and
boosted energy levels.
During the study, trained cyclists who drank 2 cups of beet juice daily improved their 10-kilometer time trial by approximately 12 seconds. At the same time, they also reduced their maximum oxygen output.
3. May improve muscle power in people with heart failure
Results of a 2015 study (https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002141) suggest further benefits of the nitrates in beet juice. The study showed that people with heart failure experienced a 13 percent increase in muscle power 2 hours after drinking beet juice.
4. May slow the progression of dementia
According to a 2011 study nitrates may help increase blood flow to the brain in older people and help slow cognitive decline. After participants consumed a high-nitrate diet that included beet juice, their brain MRIs showed increased blood flow in the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are associated with cognitive thinking and behavior.
More studies are needed, but the potential of a high-nitrate diet to help prevent or slow
dementia is promising.
5. Helps you maintain a healthy weight
Straight beet juice is low in calories and has virtually no fat. It’s a great option for your morning juice It will give you a nutrient and energy boost as you start your day.
6. May prevent cancer
Beets get their rich color from betalains, which are water-soluble antioxidants. According to a 2016 study betalains have chemo-preventive abilities against some cancer cell lines.
Betalains are thought to be free radical scavengers that help find and destroy unstable cells in the body.
7. Good source of potassium
Beets are a good source of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that helps nerves and muscles function properly. Drinking beet juice in moderation can help keep your potassium levels optimal.
If potassium levels get too low, fatigue, weakness, and muscle cramps can occur. Very low potassium may lead to life threatening abnormal heart rhythms.
8. Good source of other minerals
Your body can’t function properly without essential minerals. Some minerals boost your immune system, while others support healthy bones and teeth.
Besides potassium, beet juice provides:
• iron
• magnesium
• manganese
• sodium
• zinc
• copper
• selenium
9. Good source of folate
Folate is a B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spinal bifida and anencephaly. It may also decrease your risk for having a premature baby.
Beet juice is a good source of folate. If you’re of childbearing age, adding folate to your diet can help you get the daily recommended amount of 600 micrograms.
10. Supports your liver
You may develop a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease if your liver becomes overloaded due to the following factors:
• a poor diet
• excessive alcohol consumption
• exposure to toxic substances
• sedentary lifestyle
The antioxidant betaine potentially helps prevent or reduce fatty deposits in the liver. Betaine may also help protect your liver from toxins.
11. May reduce cholesterol
If you have
high cholesterol, consider adding beet juice to your diet.
A 2011 study on rats found that beetroot extract lowered total cholesterol and
triglycerides and increased HDL, or “good,” cholesterol. It also reduced
oxidative stress on the liver.
Researchers believe beetroot’s cholesterol-lowering potential is likely due to its
phytonutrients, such as flavonoids.
Carrot juice is extracted from whole carrots and is extremely nutritious.
It not only provides potassium and vitamin C but also is very rich in provitamin A. Drinking carrot juice is thought to boost immunity and improve eye and skin health, among other benefits.
Top 8 Reason Why Carrot juice!
1. Highly nutritious
Carrot juice is low in calories and carbs while packing numerous nutrients. One cup (236 grams) contains:
Carrot juice also provides the carotenoid pigments lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidants in your body. Antioxidants fight unstable molecules called free radicals
The main carotenoid in carrot juice is beta carotene, which is responsible for carrots’ orange color. Your body converts it into the antioxidant vitamin A.
Carrot juice is loaded with vitamin A and is high in vitamins C and K. It also contains plant compounds called carotenoids, which act as antioxidants.
2. May improve eye health
Carrot juice contains high amounts of nutrients that benefit your eyes.
Specifically, 1 cup (236 grams) of carrot juice packs over 250% of the DV for vitamin A, mostly in the form of provitamin A carotenoids like beta carotene. Vitamin A is vital for eye health. Several studies associate the intake of fruits and vegetables that contain provitamin A with a decreased risk of blindness and age-related eye diseases.
What’s more, carrot juice is an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two other carotenoids that accumulate in your eyes and shield them from damaging light. A high dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin may lower your risk of eye issues, such as age-related macular degeneration. One older analysis of six studies linked a high dietary intake of these compounds to a 26% lower risk of late AMD compared with a low intake
Carrot juice is a great source of carotenoids, including beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are vital for eye health and may protect against AMD.
3. May boost immunity
Carrot juice may give your immune system a boost.
Both vitamins A and C found in carrot juice act as antioxidants and protect immune cells from free radical damage.
Additionally, this juice is a rich source of vitamin B6, providing 30% of the DV in 1 cup (236 grams). Not only is vitamin B6 necessary for optimal immune response, but a deficiency in it is also linked to weakened immunity.
In one study, vitamin B6 depletion in older adults reduced the production of a signaling molecule known as interleukin 2, which regulates the activity of immune cells.
And one rodent study found that inadequate dietary intake of vitamin B6 prohibited the growth of immune cells called lymphocytes.
Carrot juice may give your immune system a boost.
Both vitamins A and C found in carrot juice act as antioxidants and protect immune cells from free radical damage.
As a rich source of vitamins A, B6, and C, carrot juice may help strengthen your immune system.
4. May provide anticancer effects
Test-tube studies suggest that certain compounds in carrot juice may protect against cancer.
Specifically, polyacetylenes, beta carotene, and lutein from carrot juice extract may be effective against human cancer cells.
One test-tube study found that treating leukemia and colon cancer cells with beta carotene led to cancer cell death and stopped the cell growth cycle.
In another animal study, polyacetylenes from carrots reduced the number and growth rate of colorectal tumors in rats. Importantly, the amount of polyacetylenes given to the rats is similar to the amount you may consume with a typical daily intake of carrots.
While these results appear promising, few human studies are available. More extensive research is needed.
Carrot juice should not be considered a cancer treatment.
Compounds in carrot juice have been shown to trigger cancer cell death in test-tube and animal studies. However, more human research is needed.
5. May improve blood sugar management
Drinking small amounts of carrot juice may help lower blood sugar levels.
In particular, studies in rats with type 2 diabetes show that fermented carrot juice decreases blood sugar and improves other related markers. That’s because the fermented juice contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that affect gut bacteria associated with diabetes.
Another older rodent study found that purple carrot juice boosts blood sugar management due to the anti-inflammatory effect of its anthocyanin pigments.
Yet, these are very specific types of carrot juice. It isn’t known whether regular carrot juice has similar effects.
Even so, carrot juice has a low glycemic index (GI) — a measure of how much a certain food increases blood sugar levels. Consuming low glycemic foods and beverages may help improve blood sugar management in people with diabetes.
Thus, carrot juice may be a good replacement for high GI fruit juices. However, it’s important to keep portion sizes in check, as too much can spike blood sugar levels. Generally, 4 ounces is a safe portion size.
Limited animal studies suggest that fermented and purple carrot juice improves blood sugar management. While regular carrot juice also has a low GI, you should limit your intake to moderate amounts.
6. May improve skin health
The nutrients in carrot juice may be particularly beneficial for skin health.
One cup (236 grams) of carrot juice provides over 20% of the DV for vitamin C, a water-soluble nutrient necessary for collagen production. This compound is the most abundant fibrous protein in your body, providing elasticity and strength to your skin.
Additionally, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to protect your skin from free radical damage.
The beta carotene in carrot juice may likewise aid your skin. One review of studies found that a carotenoid-rich diet may protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) damage and improve skin appearance.
Carrot juice provides vitamin C and beta carotene, two antioxidants that may protect your skin from damage. Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of collagen, which strengthens skin.
7. May boost heart health
Carrot juice may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.
First, carrot juice is a good source of potassium, a mineral that plays an important role in proper blood pressure regulation. A high potassium diet has been shown to protect against high blood pressure and stroke.
Antioxidant compounds in carrot juice may also benefit your heart.
An older 3-month study in 17 adults with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels found that drinking 2 cups (480 mL) of carrot juice per day significantly increased blood antioxidants and decreased the oxidation of blood lipids that may lead to heart disease.
Still, more human research is needed.
The potassium and antioxidants in carrot juice may help lower blood pressure and decrease risk factors for heart disease.
8. May protect your liver
The carotenoids in carrot juice are thought to promote liver health.
Several studies indicate that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of carotenoids protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
NAFLD occurs when fat accumulates on your liver, typically as a result of unhealthful nutrition, excess weight, or obesity. It may eventually progress to liver scarring and lasting damage.
An 8-week study in rats found that carrot juice reduced some markers of NAFLD. Another rodent study produced similar results, revealing that carrot juice didn’t reduce fat on the liver, but it decreased inflammatory blood markers. Nonetheless, human studies are needed.
Due to its high amount of anti-inflammatory carotenoids, carrot juice may protect your liver against conditions like NAFLD. Yet, more research is necessary.
Pineapple contains plenty of nutrients and beneficial compounds, such as vitamin C, manganese, and enzymes to help aid digestion. Drinking fresh pineapple may help boost immunity, lower cancer risk, and improve recovery time after surgery.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is an incredibly delicious, healthy tropical fruit. It’s packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and other helpful compounds, such as enzymes that can protect against inflammation and disease. Originating in South America, it was named by early European colonizers for its resemblance to a pine cone. Pineapple and its compounds are linked to several health benefits, including improvements in digestion, immunity, and recovery from surgery.
Top 7 Reason Why Pineapple juice!
1. Loaded with nutrients
Pineapples are low in calories but boast an impressive nutrient profile. Just 1 cup (165 grams) of pineapple chunks contains the following nutrients (2Trusted Source):
Calories: 83
Fat: 1.7 grams
Protein: 1 gram
Carbs: 21.6 grams
Fiber: 2.3 grams
Vitamin C: 88% of the Daily Value (DV)
Manganese: 109% of the DV
Vitamin B6: 11% of the DV
Copper: 20% of the DV
Thiamine: 11% of the DV
Folate: 7% of the DV
Potassium: 4% of the DV
Magnesium: 5% of the DV
Niacin: 5% of the DV
Pantothenic acid: 7% of the DV
Riboflavin: 4% of the DV
Iron: 3% of the DV
Pineapples also contain trace amounts of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A and K.
As you can see, this fruit is particularly rich in vitamin C and manganese. Vitamin C is essential for immune health, iron absorption, and growth and development, while manganese offers antioxidant properties and aids in growth and metabolism.
Antioxidants help prevent oxidation in your body, which may help ward off inflammation that can lead to cancer and other chronic diseases.
Pineapples also contain other micronutrients, such as copper, thiamine, and vitamin B6, which are essential for healthy metabolism.
Pineapples are especially rich in vitamin C and manganese, as well as numerous other vitamins and minerals.
2. Contains disease-fighting antioxidants
Pineapples are not only rich in nutrients but also loaded with antioxidants — molecules that help your body ward off oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by an abundance of free radicals, unstable molecules that cause cell damage often linked to chronic inflammation, weakened immune health, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Pineapples are especially rich in antioxidants called flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Two rat studies show that pineapple’s antioxidants may have heart-protective effects, though human research is lacking.
What’s more, many of the antioxidants in pineapple are considered bound antioxidants, meaning that they produce longer-lasting effects
Pineapples are a rich source of antioxidants that may reduce your risk of ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
3. May aid digestion
You’ll often find pineapple served alongside meats and poultry in countries such as Brazil.
Interestingly, this fruit contains a group of digestive enzymes called bromelain that may ease the digestion of meat. Bromelain functions as a protease, which breaks down protein molecules into their building blocks, such as amino acids and small peptides.
Once protein molecules are broken down, your small intestine can more easily absorb them. This is especially helpful for people with pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which the pancreas cannot make enough digestive enzymes. Bromelain is also widely used as a commercial meat tenderizer due to its ability to break down tough meat proteins. One test-tube study found that bromelain reduced inflammatory markers in digestive tissue, though further research is needed.
What’s more, pineapples are a good source of fiber, which aids digestive health.
Pineapples contain bromelain, a group of digestive enzymes that may help break down protein and aid digestion.
4. May reduce your risk of cancer
Cancer is a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Its progression is commonly linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Several studies note that pineapple and its compounds, including bromelain, may reduce cancer risk by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.
Some studies show that bromelain may also help treat cancer that has already developed.
For instance, one test-tube study found that bromelain suppressed the growth of breast cancer cells and stimulated cell death, while a mouse study found that bromelain enhanced the effects of anticancer therapy.
Other test-tube studies have produced similar results for skin, colorectal, or bile duct cancers.
Furthermore, older test-tube and animal studies have found that bromelain may stimulate the immune system to produce molecules that make white blood cells more effective at suppressing cancer cell growth and eliminating cancer cells..
That said, pineapple contains much less bromelain than supplements do.
One review of human studies found there was no benefit to using oral enzymes such as bromelain alongside cancer therapy, although research is mixed.
Overall, more human research is necessary.
Pineapple contains compounds such as bromelain that may have anticancer effects, although far more human studies are needed.
5. May boost immunity and suppress inflammation
Pineapples have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. They contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes such as bromelain that may collectively improve immunity and reduce inflammation. In an older 9-day study, 98 healthy children ate either no pineapple, roughly 1 cup (140 grams) of pineapple, or roughly 2 cups (280 grams) of pineapple daily. Those who ate pineapple had a significantly lower risk of both viral and bacterial infections. Plus, the children who ate the most of this fruit had almost four times more disease-fighting white blood cells than the other groups. A 30-day study in 40 adults with chronic sinusitis found that those taking a 500-mg bromelain supplement recovered significantly faster than those in the control group. What’s more, studies have shown that bromelain can reduce markers of inflammation, thereby aiding immune health. Moreover, preliminary test-tube studies have even found that bromelain supplements, alone and in combination with other compounds, may help reduce symptoms of COVID-19 and slow its progression.
Still, further research in humans is needed. Bear in mind that neither pineapple nor its compounds can cure or prevent COVID-19
Pineapples have anti-inflammatory properties that may help enhance your immune function.
6. May ease symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis affects more than 54 million adults in the United States alone. Many types of arthritis exist, but most involve joint inflammation. Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties may provide pain relief for those with inflammatory arthritis. One study found bromelain supplements to be as effective in easing osteoarthritis in the lower back as regular pain treatment. In another study in people with osteoarthritis, a digestive enzyme supplement containing bromelain helped relieve pain as effectively as common arthritis medicines. Furthermore, a test-tube study found that this compound helped protect against the degradation of cartilage tissue and the inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
All the same, more human research — on pineapples, not just bromelain — is needed.
The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple may relieve symptoms of arthritis, though more human studies are necessary.
7. May speed recovery after surgery or strenuous exercise
Eating pineapple may reduce the time it takes to recover from surgery or exercise. While this fruit helps replenish carb stores after exercise, some of its benefits are also due to the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain. Several studies have shown that bromelain may reduce the inflammation, swelling, bruising, and pain that often occur after surgery, including dental and skin procedures. It may likewise reduce markers of inflammation..Two reviews suggest that bromelain may reduce discomfort, pain, or swelling after dental surgery. What’s more, one review found that in 5 of 7 randomized controlled studies, bromelain improved recovery after surgical skin procedures. However, its use remains contested. Moreover, proteases such as bromelain may speed muscle recovery after strenuous exercise by reducing inflammation around the damaged muscle tissue. Nonetheless, more research is needed before this compound can be recommended for post-training recovery
Bromelain in pineapples may reduce the inflammation, swelling, and discomfort that occurs after surgery. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also aid recovery after strenuous exercise.
Tangerines are a type of mandarin, the second-largest cultivated citrus fruit after oranges.
Like oranges, tangerines are orange in color — although some varieties may have shades of green or red. However, they’re a bit smaller and less round and are easier to peel by hand. They also have a sweeter taste.
Both the flesh and peel are highly nutritious. You can enjoy tangerines as a snack on the go, blend them into a refreshing juice.
Top 9 Reason Why Tangerine juice!
1. Packed with nutrients
Here’s the nutrient profile of 1 medium (88-gram) tangerine.
Calories: 47
Carbs: 12 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Protein: 0.7 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Vitamin C: 26% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin A: 3% of the DV
Potassium: 3% of the DV
As you can see, tangerines are a great source of vitamin C — the nutrient that’s arguably behind most of tangerines’ health benefits.
Tangerines are also one of the most concentrated sources of beta-cryptoxanthin, an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A in the body and is behind tangerines’ and other fruits’ orange color .
Additionally, tangerines provide potassium and B complex vitamins, namely B1, B6, and B9, or thiamine, pyridoxine, and folate, respectively
Tangerines are water-rich fruits packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. They’re also good sources of other vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and B complex vitamins.
2. High in antioxidants
Antioxidants protect your body by neutralizing the damaging effects of oxidative stress, which is caused by the accumulation of free radicals. These harmful molecules are involved in the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Tangerines — including their peels — are rich sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-cryptoxanthin and flavonoids such as naringin, hesperidin, tangeretin, and nobiletin. Vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity is known for its beneficial effects on skin and heart health, as well as for its cancer-fighting properties.
Research has linked flavonoids with numerous health benefits, including brain-protective effects and reduced risk of chronic conditions
Tangerines and their peels are rich sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which protect against numerous diseases.
3. Immunity boosters
Vitamin C in tangerines may help protect your immune system from viruses and bacteria by acting upon T cells, a type of white blood cells that protect your body. Research shows that the vitamin influences T cells’ development and function and blocks pathways that lead to their death. Therefore, it helps you maintain a healthy level of these cells to fight off infection.
In addition, vitamin C enhances phagocytes — immune cells that ingest bacteria and other harmful compounds — and microbial killing, which also strengthens your immune response.
For example, studies have linked the intake of 1–2 grams of vitamin C per day with reduced severity and duration of the common cold. It may also help reduce the severity of allergic reactions — a quality that has also been attributed to hesperidin and naringenin, two of the antioxidants present in tangerine peel.
Drinking tangerine juice may benefit your immune system because they contain lots of vitamin C. This vitamin strengthens your body’s ability to defend itself against viruses and bacteria.
4. May support brain health
Antioxidants in tangerines, such as vitamin C and nobiletin, may protect against chronic brain disorders such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.For instance, research has linked an increased free radical count with the development of schizophrenia. Vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity may protect against free radical-induced damage in the brain.
Additionally, animal studies suggest that nobiletin from tangerine peel may help reduce negative effects on the brain in Alzheimer’s disease, such as memory loss. Nobiletin it may protect brain cells from beta-amyloid accumulation and toxicity, which is associated with the onset of the disease. As for tangerine juice effects on Parkinson’s disease, their nobiletin content seems to improve motor impairments in mice by protecting dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Damage to those cells leads to the progression of the disease. However, while the research seems promising, human studies are lacking.
Antioxidants in tangerine juice, such as vitamin C and nobiletin, may protect brain cells from the damage associated with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. However, more research in humans is still needed.
5. Could help improve skin appearance
Adding tangerines to your diet may promote healthy skin due to vitamin C’s effect on collagen production.Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It gives structure, strength, and stability to connective tissues, including your skin. As you age, the amount of collagen in your body decreases. However, vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, which improves wound healing and reduces signs of aging, such as wrinkling. What’s more, vitamin C’s antioxidant properties may reduce signs of aging by slowing free radical-induced damage to the skin.
Tangerines’ juice vitamin C content may promote collagen synthesis, which improves wound healing and reduces signs of aging.
Tangerine juice may aid weight loss by increasing your daily fiber intake. Citrus fruits, including tangerines, provide insoluble fiber — the kind that doesn’t ferment in the intestine — such as cellulose and lignin. This type of fiber enhances feelings of fullness by slowing down the transit of food through your digestive tract. This in turn helps regulate your appetite, which may promote weight loss. What’s more, research shows that people with higher fiber intakes are better able to maintain their body weight or prevent weight regain compared with those who consume less fiber. In addition, one test-tube study found that nobiletin prevented fat accumulation in fat cells and significantly increased activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity. AMPK is a protein that regulates cellular energy balance, which may counteract the formation of new fat cells.
Consuming tangerines may help you increase your fiber intake, which may promote weight loss and help prevent weight regain.
7. May support heart health
Antioxidants in tangerines, such as vitamin C, tangeretin, and nobiletin, may promote heart health. Human and animal studies show that vitamin C may reduce risk factors for heart disease by reducing blood pressure and platelet aggregation, improving blood vessel function, and lowering blood triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Similarly, test-tube studies suggest that tangeretin and nobiletin may help lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis — a narrowing of the arteries caused by the buildup of plaque.
Atherosclerosis is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
Tangerines provide antioxidants that may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.
8. May have anticancer properties
The antioxidants in tangerines may confer cancer-fighting properties.
Vitamin C may prevent tumor growth and spread, promote wound healing after surgery, and enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy while also reducing its toxicity. Studies have found that people with cancer tend to have vitamin C deficiency and that vitamin C supplementation may improve outcomes for people with terminal cancer. However, research in humans is still inconclusive. Flavonoids in citrus fruits are associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, including gastric, breast, colon, and lung cancer (5Trusted Source).
Still, keep in mind that most studies used high doses of the vitamins or compounds found in tangerines, which is not the same as adding tangerines to your diet. Thus, further research is still needed.
Antioxidants in tangerines may have anticancer properties. However, further research is needed to investigate the effects of tangerines themselves.
Native to India and Iran, pomegranates were described in ancient writing as a holy fruit that offered things like abundance and fertility. Pomegranates also, of course, offer an abundance of health benefits. Below we're exploring the nutritional gains from the juice of the fruit.
Fresh pomegranate juice is a nutrition powerhouse packed with taste and abundant vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, fatty acids, and zero cholesterol. Surprisingly, it is also low in calories.
According to the USDA, these are the nutrients present in every 100 grams of fresh pomegranate juice:
Top 11 Reason Why Pomegranate juice!
1. Helps In The Treatment Of Skin Cancer
Several skin care products contain pomegranate as one of the ingredients for its strong protective effects on the skin. Pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants and protects the skin cells from the oxidative stress induced by UVB radiation Exposure to the sun and environmental factors are the leading causes of skin cancer. UVB radiation, in particular, is known to have severe damaging effects. UVB radiation can cause DNA and sun damage, irritation, and inflammation.
Pomegranate fruit extract was also applied topically on mice, and the results suggest it could help in skin cancer prevention. However, more in-depth studies are warranted to confirm the findings. Some studies also show that pomegranate juice can facilitate skin repair by promoting the regeneration of the epidermis
2. Promote Weight Loss
Evidence states that pomegranates have been used in numerous instances to promote weight loss. Studies also show that pomegranate juice can play a role in fat reduction and weight management. However, more human studies are needed to understand its role in preventing obesity.
3.Prevent Colon Cancer
Drinking pomegranate juice may reduce the risk factors associated with colon cancer. The tannins, ellagic acid, and punicalagin in pomegranate juice have antiproliferative effects on colon cells. Researchers observed that the ellagitannins in pomegranate juice could also play a role in the prevention of colon cancer. The juice can also play a role in preventing the cancers of the lung.
4. Treat Fatty Liver Disease
Pomegranate juice reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and, as a result, help fight fatty liver disease. In rat studies, regular consumption of pomegranates was found to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In another rat study, the fruit was found to protect the liver and other organs in jaundice.
5. Clear Clogged Arteries
Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. Research shows that these organic compounds possess anti-atherogenic propertiesi.
Atherosclerosis is a disease that causes the blood vessels in the arteries to narrow down due to plaque build-up. A study shows that pomegranate juice enhances nitric oxide synthase and prevents nitric oxide from oxidative destruction. It is believed that this may help reverse atherosclerosis lesions. In another research, advanced atherosclerotic patients with carotid artery stenosis, when regularly administered with pomegranate juice during the period of study, showed significant improvement in health conditions.
6. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Pomegranate and its powerful components have been in use in medical science to alleviate coronary artery disease, hypertension, and peripheral artery disease. Arterial hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Scientists have investigated and believe that pomegranate juice reduces stress in coronary artery endothelial cells.
Cardiovascular diseases can also be caused by drugs or chemicals. Further experiments show that pomegranate fruit extracts offer protection against cardiotoxicity.
7. Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction
The antioxidants in pomegranate juice reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can lead to erectile dysfunction.
In a trial experiment, pomegranate juice was found to improve mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.
In another clinical trial, scientists were able to determine that phytochemicals in pomegranate juice reduced oxidative stress and suggested that future studies may reveal more on its benefit in treating various urologic health conditions in men, along with erectile dysfunction.
8. Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels
Pomegranate contains high amounts of polyphenols and other antioxidants that are three times more than what we find in green tea and red wine. These antioxidants can help lower bad cholesterol.
Statistical data collected in a study involving some patients showed a significant reduction in plasma LDL after consuming pomegranate juice.
In another animal study, scholars revealed the lipid-lowering factors present in pomegranate juice and guided how it can be used in dyslipidemia.
It was also noted that phytosterols present in pomegranate could reduce serum LDL.
9. Help Treat Prostate Cancer
Investigations involving both animal and human models show that pomegranate juice can improve prostate cancer. Clinical evidence suggests that pomegranate juice decreases serum prostate-specific antigen levels and, therefore, may possess both chemotherapeutic and chemopreventive effects against prostate cancer.
Moreover, scientists have more recently revealed that ellagic acid, luteolin, and punicic acid present in pomegranate juice inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. This means that pomegranate juice can also prolong the survival of prostate cancer patients.
10. Lower Blood Pressure
Studies show that pomegranate juice can lower blood pressure. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure could be brought down with regular administration or consumption of pomegranate juice.
Findings collected from animal and clinical studies indicate that drinking pomegranate juice can reduce blood pressure, both short-term and long-term.
11. Boost Fertility and Increase Testosterone Levels
In mythology, pomegranate is considered to be an aphrodisiac fruit. Evidence-based clinical studies state that drinking natural pomegranate juice regularly lowers stress, reduces cortisol, promotes well-being, and increases sex drive in both men and women.
In rat studies, pomegranate juice was also found to improve sperm quality and motility, boost testosterone levels, increase epididymal sperm concentration, and decrease the rates of abnormal sperm.
12. Treat Kidney Stones
Several studies have linked oxidative stress to kidney stone formation. As discussed earlier, pomegranate juice fights oxidative stress. A pilot study indicated that supersaturation of calcium oxalate could be lowered with pomegranate juice.
Another experiment on animal models showed the protective effects of pomegranate juice on crystal formation in kidneys
13. Aid Diabetes Treatment
Researchers have established that pomegranate juice reduces oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in cells that affect type 2 diabetes. However, more clinical studies are needed before pomegranate or its juice can be medically recommended for diabetes treatment.
Certain organic compounds in pomegranate have been found to be antidiabetic. These include gallic, ursolic, and oleanolic acids.
14. Manage Arthritis
The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate juice may have beneficial effects in cases of osteoarthritis. The compounds present in pomegranate can slow down cartilagei deterioration and block the enzymes that lead to osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is characterized by inflammation, pain, and stiffness, can be managed with pomegranate juice intake. Although this claim needs further evidence supported by clinical trials, scholars who have conducted studies on mice reveal that pomegranate juice may have positive effects on RA
15. Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease
A 15-month study revealed that long-term dietary supplementation with pomegranate juice increased autophagy (regular degradation and recycling of cell components), inhibited inflammation, and decreased cerebral amyloid beta aggregates.
16. May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Drinking pomegranate juice may have potential benefits to slow or even prevent the growth of breast cancer. Laboratory tests suggest that ellagitannins found in pomegranate juice can stop estrogen production – and this may help prevent breast cancer (which is usually estrogen-responsive) It has also been proven that pomegranate has ant i-proliferative properties that can downregulate estrogen-responsive genes.
17. Promote Oral Health
Recent studies have proven that pomegranates work wonderfully well in strengthening the gums and fastening loose teeth. They are also effective against oral bacteria as they possess antimicrobial properties. Research has found that pomegranate seeds can have a positive effect on dental plaque microorganisms
18. Boost Digestive Health
Pomegranate seeds boost digestive health as they have B-Complex vitamins. These vitamins help your body convert fat, protein, and carbohydrates into energy. The seeds also contain fiber, another essential nutrient for digestion. This fiber prevents and treats constipation as well.
As the seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, they can treat other gastrointestinal issues, like ulcerative colitis.
Mango is known as the king of the fruits. It grows mostly in tropical climates and has been a favorite among humans for over 4000 years. Mango and its juice, commonly known as “aam ras” contain many vital vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy human body. Mango is a very sweet fruit and hence one does not need to add sugar in it, and hence it makes it very beneficial for health.
Mangoes are a powerhouse of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium, iron and many other nutrients which help in fighting infections, as well as maintaining overall well-being of the body. The exotic fruit is stimulating and nourishing and is enjoyed most during the summer months, known for its delicious and heavenly taste. There are various varieties of Mangoes ranging from sweet to sour and hence their juices taste differently. Filled with potassium, the juice helps build and repair muscles and hence is a favorite among body builders and athletes.
Top 9 Reasons Why Mango juice!
1. Helps Prevent Anemia
Anemia is a common health issue among women and children. It is caused by deficiency of iron in food. Anemia leads to many other ailments and hence it is very important to consume foods that are rich in iron, which help in forming protein hemoglobin in blood. Mango is among anemia reducing foods and its juice if consumed regularly can increase hemoglobin considerably.. A number of medical studies and research have proved that lack of iron in the body causes breathlessness, dizziness, menstrual irregularities, muscle cramps, anxiety disorders, stress and heart-related diseases.
2. Good for Eyes
Mango contains a considerable amount of vitamin A which works wonders for the eye health. Vitamin A prevents against dryness in the eyes and improves vision, even among those suffering from ailments like cataract. A cup of Mango juice contains 25 percent of the daily vitamin A requirement of the body that helps in promoting good eyesight. Also, the high level of pectin and fiber helps in maintaining the overall eye health.
3.Strengthening Bones
Having a glass of Mango juice also contains vitamin B6 and flavonoids, which if consumed daily can help one having strong and sturdy bones. Also, the vitamin A and antioxidants that the present in Mango, provide antioxidant shield for the bones.
4. Maintains Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Mango juice is full of potassium and magnesium, the two compounds that regulate blood pressure in the body. Consuming Mango juice daily can help one keep fit and maintain blood pressure and keep hyper tension in check. Drinking Mango juice also makes sure there is enough fluid in the body to keep it balanced. Those suffering from high blood pressure can get relieved of the condition as Mango juice, due to presence of vitamin D, pectin and fiber can help lower it. Mango juice also replenishes the body with the required amount of vitamin C, hence lowering harmful cholesterol levels. Pectin and Vitamin C come together to facilitate the body in lowering the serum cholesterol levels, especially low-density lipoprotein.
5. Helps in Digestion
Mango juice is said to be very good for digestion. Presence of fiber in Mango juice normalizes digestion, helps one get over acidity problems and ensure smooth running of the digestive system. Mango juice is also said to have cooling effect on the stomach. The malic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid are present in abundance in the juice and helps in maintaining alkalinity of the digestive tract. It also relieves from nausea and vomiting. Mango juice, if added with milk also helps one get over constipation, as the enzymes in milk break down into simpler proteins, helping food digest properly, ensuring proper stools.
6. Helps in getting Glowing Skin
In today world, who doesn’t want a skin that’s healthy, glowing and shiny. But unfortunately, due to unhealthy living and environment it is very difficult to achieve the target. People resort to harmful chemicals which rather than doing any good, cause long term harm to the skin. Hence it is very important to use natural products which are a sure shot way to prevent skin ailments. Consuming Mango juice daily not only provides nutrition to the body, but also brings changes in the skin texture.. Along with drinking and consuming Mango every day, Mango pulp can also be applied externally for glowing skin.
7. Useful in Pregnancy
For pregnant women, any amount of nutrition can help the fetus grow healthy. Mango, known as wonder fruit provides an all-round nourishment for both the mother and child. For a pregnant woman, consuming a glass of Mango juice daily can help get required amounts of vitamin C and A, folic acid, potassium, iron and other essential nutrients. Mangoes are also rich in fiber and hence prevent constipation, which is a regular feature in pregnancy. It also provides instant energy and helps a woman get relieved of water retention and bloating in arms and legs.
8. Boosts Memory
In today’s world when everything is electronically managed, our brains seem to go on sleep mode. But for the proper functioning of the body, it is important that vital organs work properly. To boost memory, especially in small children, one should consume fresh Mango juice in order to keep them alert and brain fit. Glutamine acid is found in abundance in Mangoes and it helps in keeping the brain cells active, and hence boosts the memory level and concentration.
9. Relieves Heat Stroke
During summer months, due to excessive dehydration, a lot of people fall sick. However, Mangoes can help relieve heat strokes and dehydration. Its cooling effect also soothes the internal organs immensely. Raw, green Mangoes are rich in pectin, which provides an excellent remedy for those suffering from heat exhaustion. Just boil raw Mangoes and mix salt and water in the pulp and drink the “aam panna” to get rid of dehydration. If not treated in time, sun stroke can even be fatal.
Tangerines are a type of mandarin, the second-largest cultivated citrus fruit after oranges.
Like oranges, tangerines are orange in color — although some varieties may have shades of green or red. However, they’re a bit smaller and less round and are easier to peel by hand. They also have a sweeter taste.
Both the flesh and peel are highly nutritious. You can enjoy tangerines as a snack on the go, blend them into a refreshing juice.
Top 9 Reason Why Tangerine juice!
1. Packed with nutrients
Here’s the nutrient profile of 1 medium (88-gram) tangerine.
Calories: 47
Carbs: 12 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Protein: 0.7 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Vitamin C: 26% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin A: 3% of the DV
Potassium: 3% of the DV
As you can see, tangerines are a great source of vitamin C — the nutrient that’s arguably behind most of tangerines’ health benefits.
Tangerines are also one of the most concentrated sources of beta-cryptoxanthin, an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A in the body and is behind tangerines’ and other fruits’ orange color .
Additionally, tangerines provide potassium and B complex vitamins, namely B1, B6, and B9, or thiamine, pyridoxine, and folate, respectively
Tangerines are water-rich fruits packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. They’re also good sources of other vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and B complex vitamins.
2. High in antioxidants
Antioxidants protect your body by neutralizing the damaging effects of oxidative stress, which is caused by the accumulation of free radicals. These harmful molecules are involved in the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Tangerines — including their peels — are rich sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-cryptoxanthin and flavonoids such as naringin, hesperidin, tangeretin, and nobiletin. Vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity is known for its beneficial effects on skin and heart health, as well as for its cancer-fighting properties.
Research has linked flavonoids with numerous health benefits, including brain-protective effects and reduced risk of chronic conditions
Tangerines and their peels are rich sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which protect against numerous diseases.
3. Immunity boosters
Vitamin C in tangerines may help protect your immune system from viruses and bacteria by acting upon T cells, a type of white blood cells that protect your body. Research shows that the vitamin influences T cells’ development and function and blocks pathways that lead to their death. Therefore, it helps you maintain a healthy level of these cells to fight off infection.
In addition, vitamin C enhances phagocytes — immune cells that ingest bacteria and other harmful compounds — and microbial killing, which also strengthens your immune response.
For example, studies have linked the intake of 1–2 grams of vitamin C per day with reduced severity and duration of the common cold. It may also help reduce the severity of allergic reactions — a quality that has also been attributed to hesperidin and naringenin, two of the antioxidants present in tangerine peel.
Drinking tangerine juice may benefit your immune system because they contain lots of vitamin C. This vitamin strengthens your body’s ability to defend itself against viruses and bacteria.
4. May support brain health
Antioxidants in tangerines, such as vitamin C and nobiletin, may protect against chronic brain disorders such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.For instance, research has linked an increased free radical count with the development of schizophrenia. Vitamin C’s antioxidant capacity may protect against free radical-induced damage in the brain.
Additionally, animal studies suggest that nobiletin from tangerine peel may help reduce negative effects on the brain in Alzheimer’s disease, such as memory loss. Nobiletin it may protect brain cells from beta-amyloid accumulation and toxicity, which is associated with the onset of the disease. As for tangerine juice effects on Parkinson’s disease, their nobiletin content seems to improve motor impairments in mice by protecting dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Damage to those cells leads to the progression of the disease. However, while the research seems promising, human studies are lacking.
Antioxidants in tangerine juice, such as vitamin C and nobiletin, may protect brain cells from the damage associated with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. However, more research in humans is still needed.
5. Could help improve skin appearance
Adding tangerines to your diet may promote healthy skin due to vitamin C’s effect on collagen production.Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It gives structure, strength, and stability to connective tissues, including your skin. As you age, the amount of collagen in your body decreases. However, vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, which improves wound healing and reduces signs of aging, such as wrinkling. What’s more, vitamin C’s antioxidant properties may reduce signs of aging by slowing free radical-induced damage to the skin.
Tangerines’ juice vitamin C content may promote collagen synthesis, which improves wound healing and reduces signs of aging.
Tangerine juice may aid weight loss by increasing your daily fiber intake. Citrus fruits, including tangerines, provide insoluble fiber — the kind that doesn’t ferment in the intestine — such as cellulose and lignin. This type of fiber enhances feelings of fullness by slowing down the transit of food through your digestive tract. This in turn helps regulate your appetite, which may promote weight loss. What’s more, research shows that people with higher fiber intakes are better able to maintain their body weight or prevent weight regain compared with those who consume less fiber. In addition, one test-tube study found that nobiletin prevented fat accumulation in fat cells and significantly increased activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity. AMPK is a protein that regulates cellular energy balance, which may counteract the formation of new fat cells.
Consuming tangerines may help you increase your fiber intake, which may promote weight loss and help prevent weight regain.
7.May support heart health
Antioxidants in tangerines, such as vitamin C, tangeretin, and nobiletin, may promote heart health. Human and animal studies show that vitamin C may reduce risk factors for heart disease by reducing blood pressure and platelet aggregation, improving blood vessel function, and lowering blood triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Similarly, test-tube studies suggest that tangeretin and nobiletin may help lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis — a narrowing of the arteries caused by the buildup of plaque.
Atherosclerosis is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
Tangerines provide antioxidants that may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.
8. May have anticancer properties
The antioxidants in tangerines may confer cancer-fighting properties.
Vitamin C may prevent tumor growth and spread, promote wound healing after surgery, and enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy while also reducing its toxicity. Studies have found that people with cancer tend to have vitamin C deficiency and that vitamin C supplementation may improve outcomes for people with terminal cancer. However, research in humans is still inconclusive. Flavonoids in citrus fruits are associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, including gastric, breast, colon, and lung cancer (5Trusted Source).
Still, keep in mind that most studies used high doses of the vitamins or compounds found in tangerines, which is not the same as adding tangerines to your diet. Thus, further research is still needed.
Antioxidants in tangerines may have anticancer properties. However, further research is needed to investigate the effects of tangerines themselves.
In conclusion, while apple juice offers several health benefits, it is important to choose varieties that are minimally processed and free of added sugars or preservatives to maximize its nutritional value. Incorporating apple juice into a diverse and balanced diet can contribute to overall health and well-being, supporting immune function, hydration, digestive health, antioxidant protection, energy levels, and potentially weight management.
9. incorporating lemon juice into your diet can provide a range of health benefit: including immune support, digestive aid, antioxidant protection, alkalizing properties, hydration, skin health benefits, weight management support, and potential detoxification benefits. To maximize these benefits, consider using freshly squeezed lemon juice and incorporating it into your daily routine, such as in water, salad dressings, marinades, or herbal teas.
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